Asset Publisher
Alan Webber
Program Manager and Instructor, Emerging Technology Awareness Programs

A technological researcher focusing on digital Darwinism and the impact of technological disruption on businesses, government, and society who sold his first piece of software at the ripe age of 16 in 1983, Alan Webber is currently an instructor on technology trends and impacts for the Navy Senior Leaders Seminar and the program manager and an instructor in the new Leading in a Cognitive Age program on artificial intelligence at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS).  In addition to teaching at NPS, Alan is a Program Vice President at IDC where he led the National Security and Technology research practice and currently leads a global team of analysts covering a broad range of consumer and customer facing technologies.

Previously, Alan served as the lead strategic planner and desk officer in the Office of the Secretary at the Department of the Interior, a Fellow at the FBI Academy focusing on technology and cyber-terrorism, a senior business analyst for SRA, an analyst at the National Science Foundation, and as a military police officer in the U.S. Army where he served in the U.S., Japan, Central America, Operation Desert Storm/Shield, and other locations.  Alan has worked with a number of government entities on technology issues and impacts including DoD, EPA, FEMA, the Department of the Treasury, the Department of State, the IRS, Department of Justice, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, various intelligence agencies, and other U.S. and international government agencies along with over 300 of the Fortune 500 private sector companies such as Cisco, Microsoft, Comcast, Lockheed Martin, Walt Disney, Salesforce, Adobe, UPS, Verizon, Intel, Oracle, SAP, GE, Google, AT&T, IBM, Dell, Exxon, and others.  Alan received his BA, an MA, and an MS degree from Colorado State University and is ABD for his Ph.D. from the George Washington University.