Course Descriptions Full

Course Credits: NPS uses the (X-Y) nomenclature to represent course credits, where "X" represents the number of lecture hours per week and "Y" represents the number of lab hours per week. The number of credits is equal to X+Y/2.


EC0810 Thesis Research (0-8)

Course Coordinator: R.C. Robertson
Every student conducting thesis research will enroll in this course.

 EC0820 Integrated Project (0-12)

Course Coordinator: R.C. Robertson
The Naval Postgraduate School provides many opportunities for students to participate in campus-wide interdisciplinary projects.  These projects encourage students to conceptualize systems which respond to current and future operational requirements.  An integral part of the project involves working with other groups to understand and resolve issues involved with system integration. This course is available to students who are participating in a campus-wide integrated project.  Course is Pass/Fail. Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

EC1010 Introduction to MATLAB (1-1)

Course Coordinator: J. Calusdian
An introductory course for students with little or no programming background using MATLAB. Basic concepts of the MATLAB environment are considered such as matrix operations, vector and matrix manipulations, equation solving, simulation, programming, and graphing. This course prepares students for using MATLAB in future course work in the ECE department. Graded on a pass/fail basis only.

EC2010 Probabilistic Analysis of Signals and Systems (3-1)

Course Coordinator: M. Tummala
The foundations of signals and systems are developed from probabilistic and statistical approaches. Emphasis is on signal processing, communication systems, and computer networks relevant to military applications. Topics include probability, random variables and random sequences; density and distribution functions; deterministic versus nondeterministic signals; expectation, the d.c. and the r.m.s. values of nondeterministic signals, correlation and covariance; radar and sonar signal detection; LTI systems, transformation of random variables and the central limit theorem; basic queuing theory and computer communication networks. PREREQUISITE: EC2410 (may be taken concurrently).

EC2100 Circuit Analysis (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: T. Weatherford
The fundamental circuit analysis course for Electrical Engineering majors. The course considers circuit principles, circuit topology, direct current circuits, basics of operational amplifiers, natural response, forced response, total response, impedance concepts, the application of the Laplace transform to solve circuit problems and transfer functions. PREREQUISITES: PH1322 and MA2121 (may be concurrent).

EC2110 Circuit Analysis II (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: T. Weatherford
A continuation of EC2100. The course considers circuit principles, impedance concepts and steady-state ac circuits, ac power, frequency response and selectivity, and an introduction to machines and power converters. PREREQUISITE:  EC2100.

EC2200 Introduction to Electronics Engineering (3-3) 

Course Coordinator: S. Michael
An introduction to electronic devices and circuits. Solid state physics and semiconductor fundamentals. Properties of p-n junctions in diodes, Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT) and Field Effect Transistors (FET); static and dynamic models for these devices; and their linear and nonlinear applications. Applications of transistors in the design of amplifiers and digital systems. Ideal operational amplifiers characteristics and applications. Fabrication and the design of integrated circuits. PREREQUISITE:  EC2110 (may be taken concurrently)

EC2220 Electrical Engineering Design (3-4) 

Course Coordinator: G. Oriti
A team-based capstone engineering design course emphasizing the application of electrical engineering principles, devices, and circuits to the design, analysis, implementation, and testing of electronic systems. The intensive laboratory component initially reviews various electronic circuits useful in the design of the final project. Final projects require the design, analysis, implementation, testing and demonstration of an electronic system that also incorporates realistic parameters impacting the design process, such as economics, ergonomics, ethics, environmental impact, safety, etc. PREREQUISITE: EC2200.

EC2300 Control Systems (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: X. Yun
The main subject of this course is the analysis of feedback systems using basic principles in the frequency domain (Bode plots) and in the s-domain (root locus). Performance criteria in the time domain such as steady-state accuracy, transient response specifications, and in the frequency domain such as bandwidth and disturbance rejection, will be introduced. Simple design applications using root locus and Bode plot techniques will be addressed in the course. Laboratory experiments are designed to expose the students to testing and evaluating mathematical models of physical systems, using computer simulations and hardware implementations. PREREQUISITES:EC2100, and ability to program in MATLAB. Course cross-listed with ME2801.

EC2320 Linear Systems (3-1) 

Course Coordinator: X. Yun
Formulation of system models including state equations, transfer functions, and system diagrams for continuous and sampled-data systems. Computer and analytical solution of system equations. Stability, controllability, and observability are defined. Introduction to design by pole placement using measured and estimated state feedback. Application to military systems is introduced via example. PREREQUISITES: EC2100 and ability to program in MATLAB.

EC2400 Discrete Systems (3-1) 

Course Coordinator: M. Tummala
Principles of discrete systems, including modeling, analysis and design. Topics include difference equations, convolution, stability, bilateral z-transforms and application to right-sided and left-sided sequences, system diagrams and realizations, and frequency response. Simple digital filters are designed and analyzed. PREREQUISITES: MA1113 (may be concurrent) and ability to program in MATLAB.

EC2410 Analysis of Signals and Systems (3-1) 

Course Coordinator: M. Fargues
Analysis of digital and analog signals in the frequency domain; properties and applications of the discrete Fourier transform, the Fourier series, and the continuous Fourier transform; analysis of continuous systems using convolution and frequency domain methods; applications to sampling, windowing, and amplitude modulation and demodulation systems. PREREQUISITE: MA1113 & ability to program in MATLAB or consent of instructor.

EC2440 Introduction to Scientific Programming (3-2)

Course Coordinator: J. Calusdian
This course offers an introduction to computer system operations and program development using NPS computer facilities. The main goal of this course is to provide an overview of different structured programming techniques, along with introduction to MATLAB/Simulink/GUIDE and to use modeling as a tool for scientific and engineering applications. The course discusses the accuracy of digital computations, ways to incorporate symbolic computations, and presents numerical methods in MATLAB functions. PREREQUISITES: Knowledge of single variable calculus and matrix algebra. This course can be offered as an online course.  Cross-listed with AE2440.

EC2450 Accelerated Review of Signals and Systems (4-0) 

Course Coordinator: M. Tummala
An advanced review of continuous and discrete system theory intended for students who have previous education in these areas. Topics covered by each student will depend upon background and competence in the subject matter of EC2400 and EC2410 and EC2320. PREREQUISITE: Sufficient background in linear systems theory. Graded on Pass/Fail basis only.

EC2500 Communications Systems (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: F. Kragh
In this first course on the electrical transmission of signals, the theory, design, and operation of analog and digital communication systems are investigated. Included are A/D conversion, modulation, demodulation, frequency-division multiplexing, and time-division multiplexing. PREREQUISITES: EC2200 and EC2410.

EC2650 Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Fields (4-1) 

Course Coordinator: R. Romero
This course covers electromagnetic field theory and engineering applications. Both static and dynamic electric and magnetic field theory is covered. The complete theory is presented in terms of Maxwell's equations and boundary conditions. Applications include induction, plane wave propagation in lossless and lossy media, analysis of finite transmission lines, and plane wave reflection. Labs provide practical experience with microwave instruments, components, and measurement techniques. PREREQUISITE: MA1116 or equivalent.

EC2700 – Introduction to Cyber Systems (3-3)

Course Coordinator:  W. Su
This course supports the Cyber Systems curriculum, which is engaged in providing education and research in one of DoD/DON key technology areas. The course will provide the fundamentals of the underlying principles of cyber infrastructure and systems, inherent vulnerabilities and threats, and defensive security procedures. Topics covered in this course include number systems, computer systems, concepts in computer programming including C and assembly language, arrays, strings, pointers, stack and heap, memory corruption (buffer overflow), computer networks, Ethernet, Internet protocol, Address Resolution and routing protocols. Additional topics include wired and wireless communication systems, analog-to-digital conversion, and digital modulation. PREREQUISITE: Previous exposure to a high-level computer programming language.

EC2820 Digital Logic Circuits (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: D. Fouts
An introductory course in the analysis and design of digital logic circuits that are the basis for military and civilian computers and digital systems. No previous background in digital concepts or electrical engineering is assumed. Topics include data representation, Boolean algebra, logic function minimization, the design and application of combinatorial and sequential SSI, MSI, and LSI logic functions including PLAs and ROMs, and the fundamentals of finite state machine design and applications. Laboratories are devoted to the analysis, design, implementation, construction, and debugging of combinatorial and sequential logic circuits using SSI, MSI, LSI, and programmable logic devices. PREREQUISITES: None.

EC2840 Introduction to Microprocessors (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: D. Fouts
An introduction to the organization and operation of microprocessing and microcomputers, both key embedded elements of military systems. Topics include: the instruction set, addressing methods, data types and number systems, stack and register organization, exception processing, assembly language programming techniques including macros, assembly language implementation of typical control structures, data structures, and subroutine linkage methods. Laboratory sessions teach a systematic method for program design and implementation. The laboratory assignments consist of a series of programs which collectively implement a major software project. PREREQUISITE: A high level language.

EC2990 Design Projects in Electrical Engineering (0-8) 

Course Coordinator: D. Fouts
Design projects under the supervision of faculty members. Individual or team projects involving the design of devices or systems. Projects will typically be in support of faculty members. PREREQUISITE: Consent of instructor. Graded on Pass/Fail basis only.

EC3000 Introduction to Graduate Research (1-0) 

Course Coordinator: F. Kragh
This course is designed to prepare students to undertake graduate research and to write a thesis or dissertation. The first part of the course provides an overview of (1) the NPS Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the Department's research program and its faculty, (2) the NPS's Research Program and the organization and functions of the NPS Research Office, (3) NPS library electronic resources, (4) an overview of S&T planning in the DoD, and (5) guidance on the thesis process. In the second part of the course, research opportunities are presented by the faculty. A broader view of the field of electrical and computer engineering is gained through student attendance at ECE Department seminars delivered by outside speakers. In the third part of the course, students are exposed to thesis research currently being carried out in the ECE Department by attending thesis presentations delivered by graduating students. PREREQUISITE: Consent of instructor. Graded on Pass/Fail basis only.

EC3110 Electrical Energy: Present and Emerging Technologies (3-2)

Course Coordinator: G. Oriti
This course presents electrical energy topics for on shore facilities, expeditionary and ship applications divided into three categories; generation, distribution and consumption. For these three categories the current state of the art is presented first and then expounded with emerging technologies including renewable energy sources, energy harvesting, smart grid, micro-grids, smart metering, energy management systems, flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS), battery management systems, all electric and hybrid transportation systems, more efficient loads such as lighting, motors and power converters. PREREQUISITE: EC2100 or EO2102 (may be taken concurrently) or consent of instructor.

EC3130 Electrical Machinery Theory (3-3) 

Course Coordinator: Di Zhang
An introduction to the analysis of magnetically-coupled circuits, dc machines, induction machines, and synchronous machines. The course will include explicit derivations of torque, voltage, and flux linkage equations, formulation of steady-state circuits, development of reference frame theory, and the basics of machine simulation as required in shipboard electric drive analysis. PREREQUISITE:  EC2100.

EC3150 Power Electronics (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: G. Oriti
A detailed analytical approach is presented for the operation, performance, and control of the important types of solid state power converters found in naval shipboard power systems. The course reviews the characteristics of power semiconductor switching devices and introduces DC-DC converters, single-phase abd three-phase line-frequency diode and thyristor rectifiers, PWM inverters and switch-mode power supplies.  PREREQUISITE: EC2110, CO-REQUISITE: EC2200.

EC3200 Advanced Electronics Engineering (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: S. Michael
Characteristics of differential and multistage amplifiers. Transistors frequency response, including Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT), Junction Field Effect Transistors (JFET), and Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFET); characteristics and design consideration. Integrated circuit OPAMP applications; analysis and design of nonideal OPAMPs. Applications of BJTs and Complimentary Metal Oxide Semiconductors (CMOS) in integrated circuits, and different biasing techniques. Analysis and design of digital circuits, including Transistor Transistor Logic (TTL), Emitter Coupled Logic (ECL), and CMOS logic families. Application and design feedback amplifiers and operational amplifiers applications in analog filters and oscillators. PREREQUISITE: EC2200.

EC3210 Introduction to Electro-Optical Engineering (4-1) 

Course Coordinator: R. Romero
An overview of the elements that comprise current military electro-optical and infrared (EO/IR) systems. Topics include properties of light, optical elements, quantum theory of light emission, operating principles of laser sources, propagation of Gaussian beams, laser sources, laser modulators, thermal sources of radiation, laser and IR detectors (photomultipliers, photoconductors, photodiodes, avalanche photodiodes), signal-to-noise analysis of direct- and heterodyne-receiver systems. Includes military applications of electro-optic and infrared technology such as missile seekers, laser designators, laser weapons, and Bragg-cell signal processors. PREREQUISITES: EC2200 and EC2650.

EC3220 Semiconductor Device Technologies (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: T. Weatherford
This course is intended to familiarize the student with solid state device operation and fabrication of present day semiconductors and transistor technologies. Topics include: fundamental theory of charge transport, semiconductor materials (Si, GaAs, SiGe, InP), bandgap engineering, epitaxy crystal growth, and semiconductor device manufacturing technology. A virtual wafer lab allows students to visualize parameters as impurity implants to electron flow. Measurement labs utilize hands-on wafer probe measurements of digital and analog devices. PREREQUISITE: EC2200.

EC3230 Space Power and Radiation Effects (3-1)  

Course Coordinator: S. Michael
Fundamentals of different power systems utilized in spacecraft; photovoltaic power technology; solid state physics, silicon solar cells, solar cell measurement and modeling, gallium arsenide cells and II-V compounds in general, array designs and solar dynamics. Radiation effects on solid state devices and materials. Survivability of solar cells and integrated circuits in space environment and annealing method. Other space power systems including chemical and nuclear (radioisotope thermoelectric generators and nuclear reactors). Energy storage devices and power conversion. Spacecraft power supply design. PREREQUISITE: None.

Note: EC3230 may be taught with compressed scheduling (first six weeks of quarter).

EC3240 Renewable Energy at Military Bases and for the Warfighter (3-2)  

Course Coordinator: S. Michael
The course will introduce participants to current energy use at military bases as well as mobile platforms power sources. Participants will be introduced to state-of-the-art renewable energy systems that would be utilized at military installations. This will include; detailed study of Photovoltaic & Solar Energy use, overview of wind energy & other renewable energy sources, as well as energy storage systems. Cost saving comparisons and environmental impact will be conducted. The course will also investigate the use of some of the above renewable systems in mobile platforms for the warfighters and expeditionary forces personal use. PREREQUISITE:  EC2100 or EO2102 (or equivalent basic course in Electrical Engineering.)

EC3280 Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) Design I (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: T. Weatherford
This is the first course in Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Design (MEMS). Topics include material considerations for MEMS and microfabrication fundamentals; surface and bulk micromachining; forces and transduction; forces in micro- nano- domains and actuation techniques. The laboratory work includes exercises to become proficient in computer aided engineering (CAE) software for the design of MEMS devices. PREREQUISITES: EC2200 or MS2201 or PH1322 or consent of instructor. Course cross-listed with PH3280.

EC3310 Optimal Estimation: Sensor and Data Association (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: X. Yun
The subject of this course is optimal estimation and Kalman filtering with extensions to sensor fusion and data association. Main topics include the theory of optimal and recursive estimation in linear (Kalman filter) and nonlinear (extended Kalman filter) systems, with applications to target tracking. Topics directly related to applications such as basic properties of sensors, target tracking models, multihypothesis data association algorithms, reduced order probabilistic models and heuristic techniques will also be discussed. Examples and projects will be drawn from radar, EW, and ASW systems. PREREQUISITES: EC2320, EC2010, MA2043 or consent of instructor.

EC3320 Optimal Control Systems (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: R. Cristi
This course addresses the problem of designing control systems which meet given optimization criteria. The student is exposed to the development of the theory, from dynamic programming to the calculus of variation, and learns how to apply it in control engineering. PREREQUISITES: EC2300, EC2320.

EC3400 Digital Signal Processing (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: R. Cristi
The foundations of one dimensional digital signal processing techniques are developed. Topics include Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithms, block convolution, the use of DFT and FFT to compute convolution, and design methods for nonrecursive and recursive digital filters. Multirate signal processing techniques are also introduced for sampling rate conversion, efficient analog to digital, digital to analog conversion, time frequency decomposition using filter banks and quadrature mirror filters. Computer-aided design techniques are emphasized. The algorithms introduced have direct applications in sonar and radar signal processing, IR sensor arrays, modern navy weapon systems, and also in voice and data communications. PREREQUISITE: EC2410 or  EC2400.

EC3410 Discrete-Time Random Signals (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: M. Fargues
Fundamentals of random processes are developed with an emphasis on discrete time for digital signal processing, control, and communications. Parameter estimation concepts are introduced, and impact of uncertainty in parameter evaluation (estimated moments and confidence intervals) are presented Random processes are introduced. DKLT and applications to image processing and classification problems are considered. Impact of linear transformations to linear systems is discussed. FIR Wiener, and matched filters are introduced. IIR Wiener filter introduced time permitting. Applications to signal and system characterization in areas such as system identification, forecasting, and equalization are considered to illustrate concepts discussed during the course. PREREQUISITES: EC2410 (may be concurrent) and EC2010.

EC3450 Fundamentals of Ocean Acoustics (4-0) 

Course Coordinator: M. Tummala
Introduction to various mathematical techniques (both exact and approximate), special functions (e.g., Bessel functions, Hankel functions, and Legendre polynomials), orthogonality relationships, etc., that are used to model and solve real world problems concerning the propagation of sound in the ocean. Topics include, for example, reflection and transmission coefficients, ocean waveguide pulse-propagation models based on normal mode and full-wave theory, the WKB approximation, three-dimensional ray acoustics, and the parabolic equation approximation. PREREQUISITES: Standard undergraduate sequence of calculus and physics courses for engineering and science students.

EC3460 Introduction to Machine Learning for Signal Analytics (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: M. Fargues
This course introduces basic concepts and tools needed to detect, analyze, model, and extract useful information from digital signals by finding patterns in data. It covers some of the fundamentals of machine learning as they apply in signal and information processing. The emphasis in the course is on practical engineering applications rather than theoretical derivations to give participants a broad understanding of the issues involved in the learning process. Supervised learning tools such as the Bayes estimator, neural networks and radial basis functions, support vector machines and kernel methods are presented. Unsupervised learning tools such as k-means and hierarchical clustering are discussed. Data transformation and dimensionality reduction are introduced. Performance measures designed to evaluate learning algorithms are introduced.  Concepts presented are illustrated throughout the course via several application projects of specific interest to defense related communities. Application topics will be selected among biometrics, target/signal identification, power load forecasting, and others of current interest. PREREQUISITES: Knowledge of probability and random variables (EC2010, or OS2080, or OA3101, or equivalent), linear systems (EC2410 or equivalent), linear algebra (MA2043 or equivalent), or consent of instructor, ability to program in MATLAB.

EC3500 Analysis of Random Signals (4-0) 

Course Coordinator: F. Kragh
Fundamental concepts and useful tools for analyzing non-deterministic signals and noise in military communication, control, and signal processing systems are developed. Topics include properties of random processes, correlation functions, energy and spectral densities, linear systems and mean square estimation, noise models and special processes. PREREQUISITES: EC2500 (may be concurrent) and EC2010, or consent of instructor.

EC3510 Communications Engineering (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: R. C. Robertson
The influence of noise and interference on the design and selection of digital and analog communications systems is analyzed. Topics include link budget analysis and signal-to-noise ratio calculations, receiver performance for various analog and digital modulation techniques, and bandwidth and signal power trade-offs. Examples of military communications systems are included. PREREQUISITES: EC3500 or EC3410.

EC3600 Antennas and Propagation (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: D. Garren
A fundamental understanding of antennas, scattering, and propagation is developed. Characteristics and design principles of common antenna types, such as dipoles, arrays, horns, reflectors and microstrip patches, are considered. Concepts of antenna gain and effective area are used to develop power link equations. Scattering theory is introduced and propagation phenomena are considered for real-world scenarios. Design applications include phased, Yagi and log-periodic arrays, as well as shaped-beam reflector antennas, sidelobe suppression, radar target scattering, stealth principles, surface waves, HF and satellite communications. PREREQUISITE: EC2650 or equivalent.

EC3610 Microwave Engineering (3-2) 

Course Coordinator:  R. Romero
This course provides an overview of the circuits and devices used in microwave radar communication and electronic warfare systems. The course covers network analysis using scattering parameters, transmission media, selected circuits, electron tubes, solid state devices, and monolithic integrated circuits. Circuits and devices are studied in the laboratory using both hardware and computer simulation. PREREQUISITE: EC2650.

EC3615 Radar Fundamentals (3-2) 

Course Coordinator:  R. Romero
This course introduces the following topics: radar types such as CW and pulsed Doppler radar, radar range equation, basics of radar cross section, transmit power, EIRP, antenna gains, EM frequency spectrum, sources of losses such as propagation and implementation, receiver noise, noise figure, receiver sensitivity, range resolution, velocity resolution, detector schemes, detection and false alarm probabilities, RF/microwave device considerations, waveform design and ambiguity function. The course also includes laboratory activities that are either software/Matlab and/or hardware-based. PREREQUISITES: EC2650, and EC2400 or EC2410.

EC3630 Radiowave Propagation (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: D. Garren
This course treats the effects of the earth and its atmosphere on the propagation of electromagnetic waves at radio frequencies. Topics covered include ground waves, sky waves, ducting, reflection, refraction, diffraction, scattering, attenuation, and fading. Basic theory is covered and computer models are introduced where appropriate. Emphasis is placed on determination of the transmission loss between transmitting and receiving antennas. Computer laboratory exercises are used to illustrate the propagation characteristics of various indoor and outdoor environments, and their effects on system performance. PREREQUISITES: EC2650 or consent of instructor.

EC3700 Joint Network-Enabled Electronic Warfare (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: D. Garren
The concept of information operations (IO) and the critical role for electronic warfare (EW) are examined. The net-enabled force transformation is presented emphasizing how network-enabled EW technology provides a force multiplier for this transformation. Important EW technology components of SeaPower-21 are emphasized. The network space – battlespace duality and the Global Information Grid are also analyzed (FORCEnet). Metrics are presented to quantify the information value from wireless networks of distributed sensors and weapons. A direct assessment of the value of the network (information superiority) to the combat outcome (battlespace superiority) is presented. Integrated air defense suppression examples are studied using game theory to demonstrate the concepts. The role of intelligence is also emphasized. Sensor technologies and their use in the battlespace are presented. Mathematical models for electronic attack (EA) techniques are developed including those against GPS, RF and IR sensors. Off-board EA techniques including chaff, towed and rocket decoys, and digital image synthesizers are emphasized for counter-surveillance, counter-targeting and counter-terminal. High power microwave and laser-based directed energy weapons are examined. Sensor protection techniques are discussed including an introduction to the new area of counter-electronic support. Students do a research project on a topic of interest from the Force Transformation Roadmap. Laboratory exercises are also conducted in the Radar and Electronic Warfare Laboratory. PREREQUISITES: EC2500 and EC3615 or consent of instructor

EC3710 Computer Communications Methods (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: M. Tummala
The course objective is to develop an understanding of computer communications networks with emphasis on the requirements of military environments and the US Navy's combat platforms. Coverage includes the essential topics of network topology, connectivity, queuing delay, message throughput, and performance analysis. The layered network architectures, such as the seven-layer OSI model and DoD's TCP/IP protocol suite, are covered. The techniques and protocols used in these layers are discussed. Local area networking technologies such as Ethernet, FDDI and wireless Ethernet, and wide area technologies such as X.25 and frame relay are covered. Principles of networking devices (hubs, switches, and routers) are presented. Some distributed applications are presented briefly. PREREQUISITES: EC2700.


Course Coordinator: J. McEachen
Cyber infrastructure systems and technologies of interest to the military. Copper and fiber media networks, telecommunication networks and signaling, the Internet, enterprise networks, network-centric sensing, collection, monitoring, dissemination, and distribution of critical data. Terrestrial wireless networks: cellular networks, local area and long haul data networks (GSM, WiFi, WiMAX, LTE, Link 16 and Link 22).  Space based networks: satellite communication networks, wide area large sensor networks. Heterogeneous networks: end-to-end communication, sensing, collection, and distribution across fiber, terrestrial wireless, and satellite networks, protocols, design and performance analysis. Control and overlay networks such as Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems and the National power grid. PREREQUISITE: EC2700 or permission of instructor. 

EC3740 Principles of Reverse Engineering in Electronic Systems (3-2)

Course Coordinator: P. Thulasiraman
This course presents fundamental, systems level concepts for developing an understanding of system functionality without a prior access to the system's design specifications. It considers generalized approaches to developing a set of specifications for a complex system through orderly examination of components of that system. The course illustrates procedures for identifying the system's components and their interrelationships. The course is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on software reverse engineering where students perform elementary reverse engineering on basic programs using assembly language and software disassembly. Topics related to software reverse engineering including obfuscation techniques and malware analysis will be discussed. The second part of the course will focus on hardware reverse engineering by studying integrated circuit (IC) and circuit board analysis using SPICE and black box techniques. Other tools that aid in hardware reverse engineering such as JTAG will be studied in depth. Analysis of reverse engineering using mathematics, including power analysis will also be studied. PREREQUISITE: EC2700.

EC3750 SIGINT Systems I (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: D. Garren
Introduction to National Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) systems with focus on tasking, exploitation, collection, processing, and dissemination of products derived by special SIGINT systems. This course focuses on applying numerical and analytical techniques to exploit realistic navigation, communications, radar, telemetry, and other threat target sets critical to national security. A thorough review of fundamentals in radar and communications to include the utilization of spread spectrum by these systems will be discussed. The analysis of systems is presented for SIGINT operations or measurements such as: encoding/decoding, multiplexing, demultiplexing, modulation/demodulation, signal-to-noise ratio, bit-error rate, bandwidth efficiency, power budget, and polarization. PREREQUISITES: EC2500 or EO3512 or consent of instructor; U.S. citizenship and TOP SECRET clearance with eligibility for SCI access.

EC3760 Information Operations Systems (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: J. McEachen
This course examines the Network-centric Environment that is the focus of the Information Operations (IO) infrastructure with emphasis on current and future implementation models. A Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) approach is taken in which the adversary's computer network system architecture is examined and evaluated for the purpose of exploitation, protection, and/or attack. A thorough review of the fundamentals of communications, computer networks, and advanced digital technologies is discussed. This course works closely with the Department of Defense to reinforce realistic approaches for solving critical IO issues within the community. PREREQUISITES: EC2700 or consent of instructor; U.S. citizenship and TOP SECRET clearance with eligibility for SCI access.

EC3761 Fundamentals of Cyber Operations (Short Course) (1-1) 

Course Coordinator: J. McEachen
This short course examines technical issues underpinning the collection of foreign intelligence by the US Intelligence Community (IC) through the use of cyber operations. Initial studies focus on the role of signals intelligence in supporting cyber operations and focus on methods for identifying and enumerating targets. Methods and techniques for vulnerability identification specific to the IC are discussed. Techniques for initial access are reviewed and discussed as are methods for privilege escalation. Techniques for installing target implants and mission modules are presented. The course concludes with a review of target objectives pursued through cyber operations. This course works closely with the Department of Defense to reinforce realistic approaches for solving critical cyber operations issues within the IC. This is an 8-day short course. PREREQUISITES: US Citizen; TOP SECRET SCI clearance; Basic Computer Networking Knowledge or permission of the Instructor.

EC3771 Basic Network Traffic Analysis (Short Course) (1-1) 

Course Coordinator: J. McEachen
This short course equips students with an in-depth understanding of the tools and techniques necessary for gaining deep insight into the operations and behavior of enterprise networks. In completing this course, the student will be able to systemically plan for data collection, capture traffic of interest, analyze the traffic, and take appropriate action as a result of the analysis. For a given data collection, the student is able to determine who is talking, what applications are being used, filter on conversations of interest, create statistical graphs related to issues of interest, employ expert systems to recognize anomalies and diagnose problem areas. Students are able to apply these skills for the purposes of general analysis, network troubleshooting, security analysis, and application performance evaluation. This is a 5-day short course. PREREQUISITES: Demonstrated Computer Networking Knowledge or Permission of the Instructor.

EC3772 Intermediate Network Traffic Analysis (Short Course) (1-1)

Course Coordinator: J. McEachen
This short course equips students with an in-depth understanding of the tools and techniques necessary for gaining deep insight into common operational requirements of DoD networks. Students will be well versed in the use of Wireshark, tshark, libpcap, and npcap. An extensive understanding of Wireshark is developed to include dissector evaluation, capture filters, display filters, and plot analysis. Through a series of case studies, students will be able to recognize the precursors of a cyber attack to allow them to take preventative measures. In the case of forensic analysis, students will be able to identify suspect traffic and make associations to identify root causes. This is a 5-day short course. PREREQUISITES: EC3771 or Permission of the Instructor.

EC3773 Advanced Network Traffic Analysis (Short Course) (1-1)

Course Coordinator: J. McEachen
This short course equips students with an in-depth understanding of the tools and techniques necessary for gaining deep insight through macro and statistical analysis of network flows. Statistical analysis methods will be introduced and applied to metadata associated with network flows. Flow record and Intrusion Detection/Prevention systems will be discussed and compared. Students will be well versed in the use of the ELK stack netflow module, tcpflow, NetworkMiner, snort, Argus tools and nfdump. This is a 5-day short course. PREREQUISITES: EC3772 or Permission of the Instructor.

EC3795 Mobile Telecommunications Fundamentals (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: J. McEachen
This course establishes a foundation for advanced study specifically in mobile telecommunications pertinent to DoD and DoN missions. An extensive introduction of principles associated with wireless communications is provided beginning with mathematical foundations for radio frequency signals, propagation effects, radio transmitter and receiver components and antenna design. An introductory discussion of signals associated with unregulated commercial wireless (Bluetooth, WiFi) is provided. The majority of the course focuses on communications associated with commercial mobile telecommunications of interest to the DoD and DoN, to include protocols, signaling procedures, security, and management. The course will address all standardized generations of mobile telecommunications (GSM, CDMA, CDMA2000, UMTS, LTE, NR). PREREQUISITES: (EC2700 and PH1322) or consent of instructor.

EC3800 Microprocessor Based System Design (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: D. Fouts
Advanced microprocessor system concepts are studied. Microprocessor systems are widely used for embedded control in military systems as well as for stand-alone computers. Topics covered are CPU operation and timing, address decoding, typical LSI support chips, exception processing, design of static and dynamic memory systems, worst-case timing analysis, bus arbitration, and direct memory access controllers. The laboratory consists of a design project integrating hardware and software using a state-of-the-art development system. PREREQUISITE: EC2820.

EC3820 Computer Systems (3-2) 

Course Coordinator:  D. Fouts
The course presents a unified approach for the design of computer systems stressing the interacting processes implemented in hardware, software, and firmware. General features of operating systems are studied as well as specific features of an existing system. The elements of a multiprogramming system are introduced. PREREQUISITE:  EC2820.

EC3830 Digital Computer Design Methodology (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: D. Fouts
A design and project-oriented course covering basic principles, theories, and techniques for practical design of digital systems. Emphasizes an integrated viewpoint combining essential elements of classical switching theory with a thorough understanding of modern design aids. Current military and commercial systems are used as design examples. PREREQUISITE: EC2820.

EC3840 Introduction to Computer Architecture (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: D. Fouts
The fundamental principles of computer architecture and processor design, including the influences of implementation technology, cost, performance, and the historical development of computer architecture. Levels of abstraction and instruction set/architecture design. Processor design and implementation, including the data path and the control unit. Computer design, including buses, the memory hierarchy, and the input/output subsystem. Factors effecting performance and performance measurement, evaluation, and comparison. The effects of embedded military applications on computer architecture. PREREQUISITE: EC2820.

EC3910, 20, ..., 90 Special Topics in Electrical Engineering (V-V) 

Course Coordinator: R. C. Robertson
Courses on special topics in Electrical Engineering are offered under these numbers. In most cases new courses are offered as special topics of current interest with the possibility of being developed as regular courses. See online catalog for current offerings.

EC4000 Introduction to Doctoral Research (2-0) 

Course Coordinator: M. Tummala
The main objectives of the course are to foster interaction among the doctoral students and the department faculty and to promote excellence in research. Additional objectives of the course are to prepare the doctoral students to initiate the screening and qualifying steps of the program, to undertake dissertation research, and to publish and present research results. Along with an overview of the ECE Ph.D. program, the course provides guidance on the program preliminaries, such as the screening and qualification exams and minor requirements, and the dissertation research process. A broad overview of the current research problems in the field of electrical and computer engineering relating to the needs of national defense and in the ECE department in particular is presented. Students in the early stages of their program will be exposed to ongoing dissertation research and advances in the field through research presentations delivered by doctoral students in the research phase of their program, NPS faculty and outside researchers. The course provides the opportunity for doctoral students at all levels of progress to meet once a week to discuss their research, share ideas, rehearse conference presentations and dissertation defenses, and to gain exposure to a diversity of research topics and ideas. Graded on Pass/Fail basis only. PREREQUISITE: Approved ECE Ph.D. student or Consent of the ECE Ph.D. Program Committee.

EC4130 Advanced Electrical Machinery Systems (3-3) 

Course Coordinator: Di Zhang
Advanced analysis of detailed and reduced-order representations of shipboard electric machinery and power electronic drives. This course will include extensions to 3-phase machine and network connections, constant flux and current source control, extensive simulation examples including saturation and open-phase conditions, comprehensive investigation of linearized and reduced-order machine and drive representations, the modeling and control of a dc link system, and the fundamentals of AC machine vector control. PREREQUISITE: EC3130.

EC4150 Applied Power Electronics (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: G. Oriti
The course presents steady state and dynamic analysis of modern power electronic converters for advanced shipboard electric power distribution with emphasis on comparison to military standards. Physics-based modeling is used to simulate power converters and their control systems in microgrids for Navy shipboard and shore applications The course includes some more advanced topics like resonant converters, renewable energy power conditioning converters and grid-interface inverters. PREREQUISITE: EC3150.

EC4210 Electro-Optic Systems Engineering (3-0) 

Course Coordinator: R. Romero
Advanced topics and application of electro-optics. Military applications of electro-optic and infrared technology such as laser communications, laser radar, and Bragg cell signal processors. Signal-to-noise analysis of laser detector performance. Student reports on EO/IR topics of current military interest. PREREQUISITE: EC3210.

EC4220 Introduction to Analog VLSI (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: S. Michael
Modern active circuit design topologies; analog and sampled data networks. Analysis of transfer function properties, stability and causality. Higher order filter design and synthesis. Use of computer simulation tools, SPICE, and different device models for network analysis. Transformation methods and switched-capacitor filtering and non-filtering applications. Introduction to analog VLSI techniques using stray-insensitive switched-capacitor networks. Examples of such analog VLSI designs in military applications. PREREQUISITES: EC2400 and EC3200 or EC2200 with consent of instructor.

EC4230 Reliability Issues for Military Electronics (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: T. Weatherford
This course investigates where and why semiconductor devices fail in military environments. Topics include limitations of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) integrated circuits, thermal failure, electrostatic breakdown, noise in solid state devices, packaging reliability issues, radiation effects due to space and nuclear environments, and the limited availability of military integrated circuit suppliers. PREREQUISITE: EC3220.

EC4280 Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) Design II (2-4) 

Course Coordinator: T. Weatherford
This course exposes students to advanced topics on material considerations for MEMS, microfabrication techniques, forces in the micro- and nano- domains, and circuits and systems issues. Case studies of MEMS based microsensors, micro-actuators and microfluidic devices are discussed. Laboratory work includes computer aided design (CAD) and characterization of existing MEMS devices. PREREQUISITE: EC3280. 

EC4300 Advanced Topics in Modern Control Systems (3-0) 

Course Coordinator: X. Yun
Advanced topics and current developments in control systems are presented in this course. The list of special topics includes (but it is not limited to) robotics systems, autonomous vehicles, design by robust techniques. PREREQUISITE: Consent of instructor.

EC4310 Fundamentals of Robotics (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: X. Yun
This course presents the fundamentals of land-based robotic systems covering the areas of locomotion, manipulation, grasping, sensory perception, and teleoperation. Main topics include kinematics, dynamics, manipulability, motion/force control, real-time programming, controller architecture, motion planning, navigation, and sensor integration. Several Nomad mobile robots will be used for class projects. Military applications of robotic systems will be discussed. PREREQUISITES: MA3042 and either EC2300 or EC2320 or consent of instructor.

EC4320 Design of Robust Control Systems (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: X. Yun
This course presents advanced topics on control system design. Major emphasis is on robust techniques in order to account for uncertainties on the systems to be controlled. Several applications show the trade-offs in several applications, such as missile and/or underwater vehicles control design. Advanced concepts on H2 and H-infinity will be introduced as part of the course. PREREQUISITES: EC3310, EC3320.

EC4330 Navigation, Missile, and Avionics Systems (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: X. Yun
Principles of missile guidance, including guidance control laws, basic aerodynamics and six degree-of-freedom motion simulation. Additional topics are selected from the following areas to address the general interests of the class: advanced guidance laws, passive sensors, INS guidance, fire control and tracking systems, ballistic missile targeting. PREREQUISITE: EC3310.

EC4350 Nonlinear Control Systems (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: R. Cristi
This course presents techniques for automatic control of nonlinear systems with application to current military and robotic systems. Main topics include the analysis and design of nonlinear systems with phase plane and describing function methods, Lyapunov and sliding mode control techniques. Acurracy limit cycles, jump resonances, relay servos, and discontinuous systems will also be considered. PREREQUISITES: EC2300, EC2320.

EC4400 Advanced Topics in Signal Processing (3-0) 

Course Coordinator: M. Fargues
Special advanced topics in signal processing not currently covered in a regularly scheduled course and relevant to advanced naval and other military applications. Topics may include digital filter structures and implementations, advanced computational topics and architectures for signal processing, imaging, recent work in signal modeling, array processing, or other topics of interest. PREREQUISITE: Consent of instructor.

EC4430 Multimedia Information and Communications (3-2)

Course Coordinator: M. Tummala
The course objective is to the present essentials of real-time communication of digital multimedia (audio, video and text) information by bringing together topics from digital signal processing (information processing), digital communications (information transmission and reception), and computer networking (information distribution). Algorithms for compression of multimedia information are presented. Related international standards such as G.728, JPEG, MPEG, MP3, LZW, and IS95 are discussed. Major topics include digital representation and compression of multimedia information, transmission (storage) and distribution of compressed information, and end-to-end delivery issues such as loss, reliability, security, and encryption of multimedia information. PREREQUISITES: EC3410 or EC3500.

EC4440 Statistical Digital Signal Processing (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: M. Fargues
Modern methods of digital signal processing are developed in this course from a statistical point of view. Methods are developed for processing random signals through statistical data analysis and modeling. Topics include adaptive filtering, linear prediction, MA and AR signal modeling, spectrum estimation, and basic machine learning concepts. Techniques presented are applied to various engineering problems such as system identification, forecasting, and equalization. The algorithms introduced have direct applications in communication, sonar, radar systems signal processing, and modern navy weapon systems. PREREQUISITES: EC3410 or EC3500, and MA3042 or consent of instructor.

EC4450 Array Signal Processing Engineering (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: M. Tummala
This course provides mathematical development and fundamental principles of sensor array signal processing techniques as applicable to the design and operation of active and passive sonar systems critical to naval operations. Topics from aperture theory, array theory, classical and adaptive array signal processing, and signal detection are covered. The array signal processing principles developed in this course can be extended to applications in cellular communication systems, radar systems, and other fields. Along with the electronic systems engineering curriculum, this course supports the undersea warfare and engineering acoustics curricula, and others. PREREQUISITES: EC3400 and (EC3410 or EC3500 or EO3402) or consent of instructor.

EC4480 Image Processing and Recognition (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: M. Tummala
This course provides image processing background for understanding modern military applications such as long range target selection, medium range identification, and short range guidance of new weapons systems. Subjects include image sampling and quantization, image representation, enhancement, transformation, encoding, and data compression. Predictive coding, transform coding, and interframe coding techniques are also introduced. 3D to 2D imaging projections are also introduced to extract 3D information either from motion or stereo imaging. Some effort is directed toward image compression techniques particularly suited for multimedia video conferencing. PREREQUISITE: EC3400.

EC4500 Advanced Topics in Communications (3-0) 

Course Coordinator: R. Romero
Topics and current developments in communications relevant to advanced naval and other military applications. Offered on an occasional basis with the topics determined by the instructor. PREREQUISITE: Consent of instructor.

EC4510 Cellular Communications (3-0) 

Course Coordinator: M. Tummala
This course presents the fundamentals of cellular communications. Cellular architectures, propagation models, modulation formats, diversity techniques, equalization, error control, multiple access techniques, networking, and standards such as AMPS, N-AMPS, IS-54, GSM, and IS-95 are covered. PREREQUISITE: EC3510 (may be taken concurrently).

EC4530 Soft Radio(3-2) 

Course Coordinator: F. Kragh
An introduction to soft radios, devices that generate (transmitter) and/or process (receiver) digital communications signals in software and in reconfigurable hardware. The course covers basic radio frequency (RF) design principles, soft radio architectures, analysis of receiver operation, and existing soft radio efforts. PREREQUISITE: EC3510 or consent of instructor.

EC4550 Digital Communications (4-0) 

Course Coordinator: R. C. Robertson
This course presents the advantages and limitations of modern military M-ary digital communications systems. M-ary modulation formats, matched filter receivers, probability of symbol error calculations, coherent and noncoherent receivers, carrier and symbol synchronization, modems, bandwidth and signal energy, diversity combining, and fading channels are covered. Examples of current operational and proposed military and commercial space and earth links are treated. PREREQUISITE: EC3510.

EC4560 Spread Spectrum Communications (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: R. C. Robertson
Methods of reducing the effects of hostile jamming on military radio communications systems are considered. Direct sequence spread spectrum systems and frequency-hopped spread spectrum systems are examined with regard to their LPI, LPD, AJ, and multiple access capabilities. Time-hopped and hybrid systems are also considered. Coarse and fine synchronization problems and techniques are presented. PREREQUISITE: EC3510.

EC4570 Signal Detection and Estimation (4-0) 

Course Coordinator: M. Fargues
Principles of optimal signal processing techniques for detecting signals in noise are considered. Topics include maximum likelihood, Bayes risk, Neyman-Pearson and min-max criteria and calculations of their associated error probabilities (ROC curves). Principles of maximum likelihood, Bayes cost, minimum mean square error (MMSE), and maximum a posteriori estimators are introduced. Integral equations and the Karhunen-Loeve expansion are introduced. The estimator-correlator structure is derived. Emphasis is on dual development of continuous time and discrete time approaches, the latter being most suitable for digital signal processing implementations. This course provides students the necessary foundation to undertake research in military radar and sonar systems. PREREQUISITE: EC3410 or EC3500.

EC4580 Error Correction Coding (4-0) 

Course Coordinator: R. C. Robertson
Digital military communication systems often employ error control coding to improve effectiveness against noise, fading, and jamming. This course provides students the necessary foundations for understanding the principles of such systems. Topics include Shannon's channel capacity theorem and coding methods for error control in digital communications systems, including convolutional, block, concatenated, and turbo codes as well as trellis-coded modulation. Applications of error control coding to modern digital communications systems are discussed. PREREQUISITE: EC3510.

EC4590 Communications Satellite Systems Engineering (3-0) 

Course Coordinator: F. Kragh
Communication satellite systems including the satellite and user terminals. Subjects include orbital mechanics, satellite description, earth terminals, detailed link analysis, frequency division multiple access, time division multiple access, demand assignment, random multiple access, and spread spectrum multiple access. Various military satellite communications systems are introduced. PREREQUISITE: EC3510.

EC4600 Advanced Topics in Electromagnetics (3-0) 

Course Coordinator: R. Romero
Selected advanced topics in electromagnetics that are not currently covered in regular courses offerings, and relevant to naval and other military applications. Topics may include, but are not limited to, computational electromagnetics, scattering and radiation, propagation, and new device and antenna concepts. PREREQUISITE: Consent of instructor.

EC4610 Radar Systems (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: R. Romero
The radar range equation is developed in a form including signal integration, the effects of target cross section, fluctuations, and propagation losses. Modern techniques discussed include pulse compression frequency modulated radar, moving target indicator (MTI) and pulse Doppler systems, monopulse tracking systems, multiple unit steerable array radars, and synthetic aperture systems. Laboratory sessions deal with basic pulse radar systems from which the advanced techniques have developed, with pulse compression, and with the measurement of radar cross section of targets. PREREQUISITE: EC3600.

EC4615 Advanced Radar (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: D. Garren
This course covers a comprehensive treatment of important state-of-the-art radar techniques. The objective of this course is to cover the fundamental concepts and methods of radar detection theory, radar estimation theory, target tracking, range-Doppler processing, space-time adaptive processing (STAP), synthetic aperture radar (SAR), inverse SAR (ISAR), and machine learning (ML) for radar.  This course primarily covers the concepts of advanced radar signal processing methods that are used in military and surveillance systems for the detection, classification, and identification of targets. PREREQUISITE: EC3615.

EC4630 Radar Cross Section Prediction and Reduction (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: D. Garren
This course covers the design and engineering aspects of stealth and its impact on platform and sensor design. Signature prediction methods in the radar, infrared (IR), and laser frequency bands are discussed. Radar cross section (RCS) analysis methods include geometrical optics and diffraction theory, physical optics and the physical theory of diffraction, and numerical solutions to integral and differential equations. Prediction methods for IR and laser cross sections (LCS) are also introduced. Signature reduction by shaping, materials selection, and active and passive cancellation are applied to each frequency regime. The measurement of these cross sections is also covered. PREREQUISITE: EC3600 or consent of instructor.

EC4640 Airborne Radar Systems (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: R. Romero
The main objective of this course is to discuss concepts and digital signal processing techniques involved in modern airborne radars, which detect targets in presence of large ground clutter and other interferences. Radar waveforms (or modes) are treated as continuous wave (CW), high pulse repetition frequency (HPRF), medium pulse repetition frequency (MPRF), and low pulse repetition frequency (LPRF). Practical implementation and the signal processing associated with each mode will be elaborated. Advantages and limitations of each mode shall be discussed. Military applications of these modes will be discussed in the existing airborne and surface based radar systems. Concepts and algorithms are covered for digital pulse compression, MTI clutter cancellation, Doppler processing, constant false alarm rate (CFAR) detection, ambiguity resolution, synthetic array radar (SAR) processing and other associated techniques and algorithms. PREREQUISITE: EC4610 or equivalent.

EC4680 Joint Network-Enabled Electronic Warfare II (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: R. Romero
The course is intended for U.S. students with a SECRET clearance. The course continues the discussion of counter electronic support and begins with an introduction to low-probability-of-intercept (LPI) emitter signaling techniques and technologies. The origin and importance of the LPI emitter are emphasized. Case studies are shown to demonstrate the capability of the LPI emitter as an anti-ship capable missile seeker. Network enabled receiver techniques are presented highlighting the benefits of the sensor-shooter-information grid and swarm intelligence. The new challenges facing the intercept receiver design and the trends in receiver technology are addressed. To increase the processing gain of the receiver, time-frequency signal processing methods are presented and include the pseudo Wigner-Ville distribution, quadrature mirror filter bank trees for wavelet decomposition and the Choi-Williams distribution. Bi-frequency techniques are also emphasized and include cyclostationary processing for estimating the spectral correlation density of the intercepted signal. Calculations using each signal processing method are shown to demonstrate the output information and its correlation with the input signal parameters. New detection results are then derived by the student for various LPI signaling schemes to illustrate the parameter extraction methods developed. Autonomous emitter classification architectures are also presented. Laboratory simulation exercises are conducted to demonstrate the concepts. PREREQUISITE: EC3700.

EC4685 Principles of Electronic Warfare (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: R. Romero
This course covers a comprehensive treatment of the signaling principles of electronic warfare (EW). The objective of this course is to cover the fundamental concepts and effects of electronic attack (EA), electronic support (ES), and electronic protection (EP). This course mainly deals with electronic signaling techniques in the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum specially in the radio frequency and microwave domains especially in terms of radar and communications signaling. Basic radar and communications concepts will be reviewed. EA covers various techniques such as traditional noise jamming and advance techniques such as coherent types of jammers. EP signal processing techniques such as anti-jam, low probability of intercept, and direction finding are discussed in detail. ES techniques such as spectrum awareness, electronic intelligence (ELINT), and signal intelligence (SIGINT) are also presented. Unlike most EW discourses, which simply discuss system qualitative effects of EW, concrete quantitative performance measures are presented. The class only briefly touches on passive techniques, e.g. chaff and radar corner reflector deployment, and destructive attacks and/or asset protection with missiles. There will be hardware and software laboratory activities. A project may be assigned. PREREQUISITES: EC3615 and EC2500, or instructor's consent.

EC4690 Joint Network-Enabled Electronic Warfare II for International Students (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: R. Romero
The course is intended for international students and contains the same material as EC4680. The course continues the discussion of counter electronic support and begins with an introduction to low-probability-of-intercept (LPI) emitter signaling techniques and technologies. The origin and importance of the LPI emitter are emphasized. Case studies are shown to demonstrate the capability of the LPI emitter as an anti-ship capable missile seeker. Network enabled receiver techniques are presented highlighting the benefits of the sensor-shooter-information grid and swarm intelligence. The new challenges facing the intercept receiver design and the trends in receiver technology are addressed. To increase the processing gain of the receiver, time-frequency signal processing methods are presented and include the pseudo Wigner-Ville distribution, quadrature mirror filter bank trees for wavelet decomposition and the Choi-Williams distribution. Bi-frequency techniques are also emphasized and include cyclostationary processing for estimating the spectral correlation density of the intercepted signal. Calculations using each signal processing method are shown to demonstrate the output information and its correlation with the input signal parameters. New detection results are then derived by the student for various LPI signaling schemes to illustrate the parameter extraction methods developed. Autonomous emitter classification architectures are also presented. Laboratory simulation exercises are conducted to demonstrate the concepts. PREREQUISITE: EC3700.

EC4710 High Speed Networking (3-2)

Course Coordinator: W. Su
The course systematically develops the traffic characteristics of broadband services and determines the need for high-speed networks with emphasis on Quality of Service (QoS). Queuing theory is used in modeling, design and analysis of the various modules of a high-speed network: traffic modeling, switches, admission control, scheduling, traffic monitoring, and congestion control. Emerging trends, architectures, and technologies that enable deployment of high-speed global networks for military and commercial use are discussed. Specific topics covered include broadband technologies including SONET, DWDM, Gigabit Ethernet, queuing theory, traffic models, traffic management, and QoS guarantee via DiffServ and MPLS. Hands-on labs explore traffic management and QoS setup of network supporting IPTV. PREREQUISITE: EC3710 or consent of instructor.

EC4715 Cyber System Vulnerabilities and Risk Assessment (3-2)

Course Coordinator: J. McEachen
The course utilizes reverse engineering principles to identify and assess vulnerabilities in electronic, communication, and control systems and analyze risk to provide tradeoffs. Vulnerabilities in cyber systems based on genetic, developmental, and those caused by system overload are presented. Widely accepted industry and military standards, underlying technologies, specification mismatches and interoperability, and resource constraints are examined to identify vulnerabilities of interest. Vulnerability assessment at component and system level along with prioritization and elimination procedures are discussed. Risk analysis for secure operation of the system and relevant tradeoffs are presented. Laboratory exercises provide hands-on experience. PREREQUISITE: EC3740.

EC4725 Advanced Telecommunication Systems Engineering (3 - 2)

Course Coordinator: P. Thulasiraman
Studies the engineering of communication transport networks, presenting basic concepts in conventional telephony and traffic engineering such as blockage, availability, dimensioning and survivability. The public switched network (PSTN), mobile switched networks (MSN) and public land mobile networks (PLMN) are discussed. The Signaling System No.7 (SS7) architecture for the PSTN is presented along with a variety of transport technologies including the Synchronous Optical Network (SONET)/ Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH). Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) is also examined. Voice over IP (VoIP) and its associated signaling protocol, the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), is examined. Skype is used as a case study. VoIP vulnerabilities are also discussed. Cellular telecommunications standards, including GSM/2G, GPRS, UMTS/3G, LTE/4G and 5G are studied. Security measures for different telecommunications standards are also discussed. Concludes with a discussion of Network Management Systems.  PREREQUISITE: EC3710 or EC3795 or CS3502 or consent of instructor.

EC4730 Covert Communications (3 - 2)

Course Coordinator: M. Tummala
Electronic signal and data communication mechanisms in which the presence of a message being transmitted is concealed in plain sight of other signals or data are presented. Information hiding in user data, protocol data, and radio, electronic, acoustic and other sensory signals is examined. The techniques of steganography, covert channels, low probability exploitation, and information concealment in analog signals are studied. Techniques and mechanisms for establishing robust, secure covert communication schemes are introduced. The detection, analysis, and abortion of adverse covert communication schemes are discussed. Design of systems suitable for attack and defense of covert communications using programmable logic devices is introduced. Low probability of detect, low probability of intercept, and anti-jamming techniques are reviewed. Embedding and extraction algorithms of steganography are presented. Related topics of watermarking and embedded malware are reviewed. PREREQUISITE: EC3730 or EC3710.

EC4735 Telecommunications Systems Security (3 - 2)

Course Coordinator: J. McEachen
Examines underlying technical security issues, policies, standards, implementations, and technologies associated with large-scale commercial telecommunications systems. Reviews the infrastructure and components of carrier class networks to include transport multiplexers and multi-protocol switches. Discusses the public switched telephone network (PSTN) and public land mobile network (PLMN). Begins with a review of the need for Signaling System No. 7 (SS7) and how security is implemented in SS7 networks. Presents fundamental trust assignments in second generation (2G) cellular mobile networks and specifically analyzes trust relationships between core components of the PLMN subsystems. Specifically discusses air interface (Um, Gm) protection measures and presents case studies of systemic flaws. Presents evolutionary changes in security practices in third (3G) and fourth generation (4G) protocols and standards. Examines underlying principles of lawful intercept (LI) implementation and discusses the evolution of LI capability from the PSTN through 3G and 4G networks. Studies the protection of data services in the PLMN and IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). Specifically focuses on the General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) Tunneling Protocol (GTP) and Roaming Exchanges (GRX). Discusses future research and proposed security standards in next generation systems. PREREQUISITE: EC3730.

EC4745 Mobile Ad Hoc Wireless Networking (3-2)

Course Coordinator: M. Tummala
The course presents the fundamental principles, design issues, performance analysis, and military applications of infrastructure and ad hoc wireless packet switched networks. Radio wave propagation, wireless channel characteristic, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, transceiver design, channel coding, and other physical layer technologies are reviewed. Principles of wireless local area and wide area (cellular) networks are presented. Design and performance analysis of medium access control mechanisms-contention, reservation and scheduling-are covered. Mobile IP protocol is presented, and reactive and proactive protocols for routing in ad hoc networks are introduced. The performance of TCP over wireless networks is analyzed. Security in infrastructure and ad hoc networks is addressed. Sensor networks are introduced. Energy management is discussed. The widely used and emerging wireless networking standards are reviewed. Hardware laboratory assignments provide hands-on experience and OPNET projects allow simulation of large scale networks to complement the theory presented in the course. PREREQUISITE: EC3710 or CS3502 or consent of instructor.

EC4747 Data Mining in Cyber Applications (3-2)

Course Coordinator: J. Scrofani

Data mining concepts, theories and methods are examined and applied to the cyber domain. Specific applications considered include network and computer intrusion detection, malware detection, fraud detection and identity theft. Classification approaches, including heuristic, Bayesian, neural network and support vector machine approaches are examined. Association analysis using both attribute- and graphical based approaches are studied. Cluster analyses, both hierarchical and partitional approaches, are examined. The application of these concepts, theories and methods culminate in an in-depth study of anomaly detection techniques, methodologies and associated system designs and implementations relevant to the cyber mission. PREREQUISITE: EC2010, EC3730 or their equivalents, working knowledge of Python and panda library extensions or with consent of the instructor.

EC4755 Network Traffic, Activity Detection, and Tracking (3 - 2)

Course Coordinator: M. Tummala
Network traffic characterization, traffic engineering/management and detection and tracking of traffic anomalies are covered with a focus on statistical and information theoretic concepts, signal processing, and control theory. Network (cyber) traffic is characterized based on statistical and information theoretic approaches such as self-similarity and information entropy. Traffic flows and traffic flow analysis are presented; multimedia nature of network traffic discussed. Traffic engineering techniques of congestion control, traffic redirection, and admission control are examined utilizing network flows and queue management and analysis. Detection theory is introduced. Detection of threat activity based on traffic anomalies is examined. Neyman-Peason criterion and the receiver operating characteristic are presented. Traffic flow analysis for activity tracking is discussed. Case studies of local area networks, the Internet, sensor networks, and wireless networks including the 4G systems are conducted. Laboratories will provide hands-on experience and introduce tools of traffic characterization, detection, monitoring, and tracing. PREREQUISITES: EC3730, EC3500.

EC4765 Cyber Warfare (3 - 2)

Course Coordinator: J. McEachen
Cyber warfare explored from an electrical engineering perspective. Historical examples of military cyber warfare operations are reviewed. A survey of cyber warfare operations is presented from both a tactical and strategic perspective. Components of Network-Centric Capabilities (NCC) are discussed in depth and several scenarios are evaluated and developed. Extension of cyber warfare concepts to large scale systems is presented to include concepts in distributed denial of service attacks, distributed storage, distributed sensor coordination, and information exfiltration. Rudimentary denial-of-service techniques are initially discussed and progress to intelligent waveform-specific forms of computer network attack (CNA). The effect of communications signaling manipulation is analyzed in examples involving mobile wireless networks such as Global Systems Mobile (GSM), and the IEEE 802.11 and 802.16 standards. PREREQUISITES: EC3760; U.S. citizenship and TOP SECRET clearance with eligibility for SCI access.

EC4770 Wireless Communications Network Security (3 - 2)

Course Coordinator: P. Thulasiraman
Examines the impact of the radio frequency (RF) environment on the security of wireless communications networks. Specifically, examines the impact of the RF environment on security primitives including confidentiality assurance, integrity and authentication; Block and stream ciphers, such asthe Data Encryption Standard, Advanced Encryption Standard and RC4 are studied. Evaluates Public key cryptography (PKC) and its associated algorithms (RSA). Discusses approaches to integrity assurance in the form of cryptographic hash functions; Examines all of the above factors in the context of a variety of network topologies to include personal area networks (PAN-Security in Bluetooth), wireless local area networks (WLAN), and wireless metropolitan area networks (LTE and WiMax). Analyzes and compares protocol implementations such as Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) and Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA/WPA2). Also analyzes security in wireless cellular standards, including 2G (GSM), 3G, and 4G(LTE). The course studies communication vulnerabilities in wireless systems with example attacks such as Denial of Service (DoS), replay, and man-in-the-middle (MITM). Security in mobile ad hoc networks, including wireless sensor networks and Internet of Things (IoT) is also studied. . PREREQUISITE: EC3710 or EC3730.

EC4785 Internet Engineering (3-2)

Course Coordinator: W. Su
This course examines the optimal design and analysis of large-scale, interconnected heterogeneous computer networks, specifically those employed by the US Navy (e.g. - IT-21). The course will focus primarily on the design and implementation of both carrier-class and enterprise networks based on the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite.  Planning, analysis, and overarching design will be discussed and implemented in a laboratory environment. Specifically, an end-to-end interworking system, to include telecommunications carrier and enterprise networks will be implemented. Techniques for segmentation and reassembly, routing, transfer agent placement, error control, throughput analysis, broadcasting and multicasting will be examined in detail. Performance of common distributed applications will be analyzed. PREREQUISITE: EC3710.

EC4790 Cyber Architectures and Engineering (3 - 2)

Course Coordinator: W. Su 
The course addresses the holistic design, analysis and integration of the three-tiered cyber architecture of the medium, network, and services.
Interoperability and interconnection of heterogeneous networks are discussed. Service oriented architectures and service orchestration mechanisms to include such techniques as artificial intelligence, control theory, min-max algorithm and feedback analysis are introduced. Network centric services and system design for both wired and wireless platforms are emphasized. Tools such as WSDL and SoaML will be introduced. System availability calculations and quality of service issues at different levels of the system are discussed in-depth. Comprehensive approaches to security across all levels of the system, medium, network, and services are analyzed. Development of network centric, distributed engineering applications will be considered for static as well as mobile services. Sensor networks, information fusion, and end-to-end services are studied. PREREQUISITE: EC3730 or EC3710.

EC4795 Wireless Device Security (3-2)

Course Coordinator: J. McEachen
This advanced course extends earlier study in communications devices and software defined radio to include security vulnerabilities and countermeasures from the perspective of the radio signal and the wireless device.  Radio signal vulnerabilities include signal interception, rouge access points, wireless intrusion, client mis-association, unauthorized association, emitter geographical location, direction finding, RF energy detection, and emitter fingerprinting.  Wireless device vulnerabilities include backdoor access, tempest, reverse engineering, cloning and tampering of static random access memory field programmable gate arrays, bus snooping, side channel attacks, covert channels, red/black separation, and aspects of software defined and cognitive radios.  PREREQUISITES: EC3500, EC4530.

EC4800 Advanced Topics in Computer Engineering (3-0) 

Course Coordinator: D. Fouts 
Advanced topics and current developments in computer architecture including such subjects as: graphics and multimedia processors relevant to military applications and workstations; computer structures for artificial intelligence and large data bases; supercomputers and massively parallel architectures; advanced logic design, hardware/software co-design, and multiple-valued logic. PREREQUISITE: Consent of instructor.

EC4810 Fault Tolerant Computing (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: D. Fouts
Introduction to fault-tolerant computing. The causes and effects of computer, digital system, and software failure. The fundamental concepts and techniques for the design and implementation of fault-tolerant computers, testing digital systems, and software. Modeling, simulation, and evaluation of fault-tolerant systems. Military and space applications of fault-tolerant computing. PREREQUISITE: EC3800 or EC3830, or EC3840.

EC4820 Advanced Computer Architecture (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: D. Fouts
Techniques to achieve high performance computing, including advanced architectural features and highly parallel processors. Techniques for improving processor, memory subsystem, and I/O subsystem performance, including pipelining, memory interleaving, multi-level caching, and parallel I/O. Parallel computer models, scalability, and clustering. Parallel programming, the role of the compiler, and compiler parallelization techniques. Performance metrics, evaluation, and comparisons between parallel processors. Enabling technologies for highly parallel computers, including the use of the microprocessor as a building block. Distributed memory. Processor/cluster interconnection networks. Advanced implementation technologies and techniques. Military applications of high-performance computers and parallel processors. PREREQUISITE: EC3800 or EC3830, or EC3840.

EC4830 Digital Computer Design (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: D. Fouts
This course presents digital system design techniques that can be used in tactical embedded systems. It involves a study of the architecture of and the design process for digital computer systems. Topics covered include instruction set architectures, advanced computer arithmetic, hierarchical design techniques, and design of systems using standard and custom VLSI devices. Modern computer-aided design tools are emphasized. Laboratory project is the design of a digital computer. PREREQUISITES: EC3800 or EC3830.

EC4870 VLSI Systems Design (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: D. Fouts
Introduction to the design and implementation of Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) and Bipolar CMOS (BiCMOS) Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) digital Integrated Circuits (ICs). Topics covered include the specification of the high-level functional design, the design, implementation, and simulation of low-level cells, floor planning and the assembly of low-level cells into the high-level design using hierarchial place-and-route techniques, circuit extraction and simulation for functional verification, timing analysis, and power estimation, and the principles of bulk CMOS, BiCMOS, and SOS/SOI IC fabrication. Applications of VLSI ICs in military systems are also covered. The course is centered around laboratory projects where student groups design, implement, simulate, and submit for fabrication, a full-custom CMOS or BiCMOS, VLSI IC. IC functionality is selected by each student group. A field trip to a commercial foundry and clean room tour is also included. PREREQUISITES: EC3800 or EC3830 or EC3840.

EC4900 Topics for Individual Study in Electrical Engineering (V-V) 

Course Coordinator: R. C. Robertson
Supervised study in selected areas of Electrical Engineering to meet the needs of the individual student. A written report is required at the end of the quarter. PREREQUISITE: Consent of the department chairman. Graded on Pass/Fail basis only.

 EC4990  Advanced Special Topics in Electrical Engineering (V-V) 

Course Coordinator:  R. C. Robertson
Courses on advanced special topics in Electrical Engineering are offered under these numbers. In most cases new courses are offered as special topics of current interest with the possibility of being developed as regular courses.

EO2102 Basic Electronics and Electrical Machines (4-2) 

Course Coordinator: T. R. Weatherford
An introduction to the fundamental tools of circuit analysis including Kirchhoff's current and voltage laws, series-parallel resistance combinations, voltage and current dividers, superposition, Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits, source transformations and nodal and mesh analysis. The students are then exposed to frequency domain phasor techniques for analyzing ac circuits. An introduction to power calculations and three-phase systems is next presented. The remainder of the course focuses on the basic operational characteristics of power system components such as transformers, synchronous machines, induction machines, dc machines and power converters. PREREQUISITES: MA2121 (may be concurrent).

EO2402 Introduction to Linear Systems (4-1) 

Course Coordinator:  M. Fargues
A course in the rudiments of linear systems for Naval officers in non-electrical engineering curricula. Principles of discrete and continuous-time systems. Topics include difference equations, discrete and continuous convolution, correlation, transfer functions, and system diagrams. Transform applications in communication and control systems. PREREQUISITE: Ability to program in a higher level language.

EO2512 Introduction to Communications & Countermeasures (4-2)  

Course Coordinator: F. Kragh
A first course in communications and countermeasures for the Information Warfare Curriculum. The course considers basic electricity and electronics, noise analysis, amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, digital coding and transmission. PREREQUISITES: MA3139 or EC2410 or (MA1113 and EO2402).

EO2525 Probabilistic Analysis of Signals and Communications Systems (4-1) 

Course Coordinator: F. Kragh
Basic analog and digital communications techniques are discussed. The foundations of signals and systems are developed from probabilistic and statistical approaches. Emphasis is on communication systems relevant to military applications. Topics include AM, FM, probability, random variables, probability density and distribution functions; deterministic versus nondeterministic signals; expectation, the dc and rms values of nondeterministic signals, correlation and covariance; LTI systems, transformation of random variables and the central limit theorem. PREREQUISITES: MA2121 and PH1322.

EO2652 Fields, Waves, and Electromagnetic Engineering (4-1)

Course Coordinator: D. Jenn
This course covers electromagnetic field theory and engineering applications. Static electric and magnetic field theory is developed and Maxwell's equations are presented. Applications include plane wave propagation, analysis and design of transmission lines, waveguides, resonators, and high frequency components. Labs provide practical experience with microwave instruments, components, and measurement techniques. The objective of the course is to provide a foundation for subsequent study of microwave engineering, antennas, scattering, and radiowave propagation for application in the areas of communications, radar, and electronic warfare. PREREQUISITES: MA1116 and PH1322; or consent of instructor.

EO2701 Introduction to Cyber Systems (4-2)

Course Coordinator: C. Bollmann
EDO-specific Intro to Cyber Systems. The course will provide the fundamentals of the underlying principles of cyber infrastructure and systems, inherent vulnerabilities and threats, and defensive security procedures. Topics covered in this course include number systems, computer systems, concepts in computer programming including C and assembly language, arrays, strings, pointers, stack and heap, memory corruption (buffer overflow), computer networks, Ethernet, Internet protocol, Address Resolution and routing protocols. Additional topics include wired and wireless communication systems, analog-to-digital conversion, digital modulation, cyber security and defense, and Industrial Control Systems. PREREQUISITE: Previous exposure to a high-level computer programming language. 

EO3402 Signals and Noise (3-1) 

Course Coordinator: M. Fargues
A course in the rudiments of modern signal processing for naval officers in non-electrical engineering curricula. Topics include signal processing in the frequency domain using the DFT and FFT, random signals, their description and processing. Applications to signal detection, demodulation, filtering, beamforming, target tracking, and other relevant naval and military operations. PREREQUISITES: EO2402 and OS2103 or equivalent.

EO3404 Applied Digital Signal Processing (3-2) 

Course Coordinator: M. Tummala
This course introduces the fundamentals of digital signal processing as applied to one dimensional acoustic signals. The course covers the fundamental theory of signals and systems, the application of the DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform) to problems in spectral estimation, digital filter design, detection of pulses by correlation and fundamentals of array processing. The laboratories are entirely based on processing of acoustic signals using MATLAB. PREREQUISITE: None.

EO3502 Telecommunications Systems Technology (4-0) 

Course Coordinator: J. McEachen
A broad-based course in telecommunications systems technology for a multidisciplinary audience. The course considers analog and digital communications systems. Specific topics include amplitude and angle modulation transmission and reception; baseband and passband digital modulation; system noise; transmission lines, waveguides and antennas; fiber optics; satellite communications. PREREQUISITE: MO1901.

EO3512 Telecommunications Engineering (4-1) 

Course Coordinator: F. Kragh
The second course in communications and countermeasures for the Information Warfare curriculum. The course considers signals and protocols for networks, time and frequency domain multiplexing, transmission lines, antennas, and fiber optics, and cellular communication concepts. PREREQUISITE: EO2512.

EO3525 Communications Engineering (4-1) 

Course Coordinator: F. Kragh
The influence of noise and interference on the design and selection of digital communications systems is analyzed. Topics include link budget analysis and signal-to-noise ratio calculations, receiver performance for various digital modulation techniques, bandwidth and signal power trade-offs, an introduction to spread spectrum communications, and multiple access techniques. Examples of military communications systems are included. PREREQUISITE: EO2525.

EO3602 Electromagnetic Radiation, Scattering, and Propagation (4-2) 

Course Coordinator: D. Garren
The principles of electromagnetic radiation are applied to antenna engineering, scattering, and propagation. The characteristics of various practical antenna types are considered including arrays and reflectors. Scattering concepts are introduced and propagation phenomena are considered. Applications include sidelobe suppression, radar target scattering and stealth approaches, HF and satellite communications. This course is intended for students not in the 590 curriculum. PREREQUISITE: EO2652 or equivalent.

EO3911, 21, ..., 91 Interdisciplinary Studies in Electrical and Computer Engineering (V-V) 

Course Coordinator: R. C. Robertson
Courses on special topics of joint interest to electrical and computer engineering and other areas are offered under these numbers. In most cases new courses are offered as special topics of current interest with the possibility of being developed as regular courses. See online catalog for current offerings.

EO4612 Microwave Devices and Radar (4-2) 

Course Coordinator: R. Romero
Those microwave devices most important in radar and in electronic warfare systems are studied, including magnetrons, traveling-wave tubes, and solid-state diodes. The radar range equation is developed. In addition to basic pulse radar, modern techniques are discussed including Doppler systems, tracking radar, pulse compression, and electronically steerable array radars. Electromagnetic compatibility problems involving radar systems from which the advanced techniques have developed, with performance measurement methods, automatic tracking systems, pulse compression, and the measurement of radar cross section of targets. PREREQUISITES: EO3602 (may be concurrent) or consent of instructor.

EO4911, 21, ..., 91 Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies in Electrical and Computer Engineering (V-V) 

Course Coordinator: R. C. Robertson
Courses on advanced special topics of joint interest to electrical and computer engineering and other areas are offered under these numbers. In most cases new courses are offered as special topics of current interest with the possibility of being developed as regular courses.