Academics - Electrical and Computer Engineering
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the Naval Postgraduate School offers a program leading to the degree Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE). The goal of the MSEE program is to provide the academic background and education to prepare the student to analyze and to specify characteristics of electronic systems and to design component parts of such systems. The program leading to the MSEE degree is accredited as an Electrical Engineering Program at the advanced level by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET).
Master of Science in Engineering Science
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the Naval Postgraduate School offers a program leading to the degree Master of Science in Engineering Science with a major in Electrical Engineering MSES(EE). The goal of the MSES(EE) program is to provide the academic background and training to prepare the student to analyze characteristics of electronic systems as applied to military applications.
Special Program for Graduates of the Bettis Reactor Engineering School (BRES)
Purpose: The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the Naval Postgraduate School offers a special program leading to the degree Master of Science in Engineering Science with a major in Electrical Engineering MSES(EE) for graduates of the BRES School currently stationed at NAVSEA NAVAL REACTORS (NR). The goal of this MSES(EE) program is to provide the academic background and training to prepare the student to analyze characteristics of electronic systems as applied to military applications.
Distance Learning -Master of Engineering
Also available:
Master of Science in Engineering Science MSES - (EE) (BRES)
Major in Electrical Engineering for graduates of the Bettis Reactor Engineering School (BRES) - Distance Learning
NPS Distance Learning Site
Total Ship Systems Engineering (TSSE) Program
**NOTE: Update to the program dated 06/15/06 - certificate may be obtained with 6 courses. TS3002 & TS4000 have been removed from the list of requirements ***
Purpose:The TSSE program provides a broad-based, systems engineering and design oriented curriculum that focuses on the warship as a total engineering system including hull, mechanical, electrical (HM&E), and combat systems.
Master of Engineering
The Master of Engineering (Major in Electrical Engineering) Degree Program
This program is open to distance learning students only.
Purpose: The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Naval Postgraduate School offers a program leading to the degree MEng(EE), Master of Engineering with a major in Electrical Engineering. The MEng (EE) degree is a coursework based degree. Its goal is to provide the academic background and education to prepare students who are practicing engineers to analyze and to specify characteristics of electronic systems and to design component parts of such systems.
Electrical Engineer Degree
Students with strong academic backgrounds may enter a program leading to the degree Electrical Engineer.
A minimum of 96 total graduate credits is required for the award of the engineer's degree of which at least 24 must be in accepted thesis research and at least 54 credits must be in Electrical and Computer Engineering courses.
At least 36 of the total hours are to be in courses in the sequence 4000 - 4999. Approval of all programs must be obtained from the Chairman, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Master of Science in Computer Engineering (MSCE)
The MSCE program provides both a broad-based education in traditional computer hardware and software related subjects while at the same time concentrating on military-relevant Computer Engineering tops such as Computer Security, High-Speed Networking, Distributed and Parallel computing, and Fault Tolerant computing.
NPS has an in-residence, one-year Immediate Graduate Education Program (IGEP). Each year’s program typically begins in July and ends the following June. Bowman scholars sent to NPS for a 4-aquarter program fall under the IGEP Program. Bowman scholars enrolled in the Electrical/Electronic systems Curriculum may earn a
- Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering (MSEE) or
- a Master of Sciences in Engineering Sciences (focus in Electrical Engineering) (MSES-EE)
depending on their undergraduate background.
Bowman scholars with a BSEE degree will earn a MSEE Degree by completing requirements for the MSEE Degree (a set of 9 to 10 graduate level courses which include the selection of a focus area and one to two elective courses). BSSE, or BSCE degree holders may need on average an additional two undergraduate courses to satisfy the undergraduate equivalence requirements depending on their specific undergraduate backgrounds.
Bowman scholars with a undergraduate degree in engineering fields other than EE, SE, or CE may earn a Master of Science in Engineering Sciences (focus in Electrical Engineering) by completing requirements for the MSES(EE) Degree and taking any required undergraduate level courses needed to meet minimum prerequisite to enroll in their selected graduate level courses.
Doctoral Programs
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the Naval Postgraduate School offers a program leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). The goal of the Ph.D. program is to provide the scholastic background and training necessary to do original research in the field of Electrical and Computer Engineering. (For those anticipating an academic career, opportunities to obtain teaching experience are also offered.)
Short Courses
Short courses are available. Contact ECE Department for current offerings. Past short courses include:
- Classified Advanced Technology Update, July 27 - 31, 2009
- Technologies for Information Operations (pdf), MASL: P179220, Course Length: 3 weeks; for specific offerings, contact the course director, Prof. Phillip E. Pace.
- Technologies for Information Operations, MASL: P179220, Course Length: 3 weeks; for specific offerings, contact the course director, Prof. Phil Pace.
- The Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department offers graduate certificate programs for individuals interested in advanced study at the graduate level in a specific ECE technical area.
- The certificate programs are compatible with MSEE and EE degree requirements, enabling certificate recipients to apply graduate credits received during the certificate(s) towards NPS degrees.
- The certificate programs may be pursued concurrently with the the graduate degrees.
- A student may complete multiple certificates, provided he/she has been approved for each and satisfies the requirements of each.
- Each certificate meets a subset of the requirements for the MSEE and EE degrees.