Master of Science in Electrical Engineering


 Purpose:  The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the Naval Postgraduate School offers a program leading to the degree Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE). The goal of the MSEE program is to provide the academic background and education to prepare the student to analyze and to specify characteristics of electronic systems and to design component parts of such systems. The program leading to the MSEE degree is accredited as an Electrical Engineering Program at the advanced level by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET).


  • All students of the Naval Postgraduate School are required to be military officers or government employees sponsored by an element of the US Government. Employees of the Naval Postgraduate School are also eligible to pursue degrees on a part-time basis with the approval of their supervisor and the department chairman.
  • As of July 2006, the Naval Postgraduate School now accepts a limited number of employees of corporations that are contractors for the Department of Defense (DoD) in programs related to defense applications. On-site and distance learning MSEE programs are available. On-site Ph.D. EE are also available. Inquire with the ECE Department Chairman for further details regarding this opportunity. Printed information available here.

 Applications: Students in residence at NPS apply through their curriculum officer. Those applying from outside NPS go to NPS Admissions Page for application procedures.

 BSEE or BSEE-Equivalence Requirements: In order to enter the MSEE program and to be eligible to receive the MSEE degree, the student must have received a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering degree from an institution accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). Students without an accredited BSEE may obtain the equivalent of this degree by using a combination of courses taken at the university level at their undergraduate institution, at NPS, and/or at other local colleges. These courses must qualify for credit at an accredited institution. Briefly, accredited BSEE degrees generally require 24 quarter hours of calculus and advanced mathematics, 24 quarter hours of basic sciences which must include both physics and chemistry, 54 quarter hours of engineering science and design of which at least 54 quarter hours must be in electrical engineering, and 24 quarter hours of studies in the humanities. Additional information about the BSEE equivalence requirements can be obtained from the Academic Associate.

 Degree Requirements: In order to fulfill the requirements of the degree Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, a student must meet the following requirements:

  1. Credits: Complete a minimum of 52 quarter credit hours of graduate level work. Of these 52 quarter credit hours,
  1. A minimum of 36 quarter credit hours of graduate-level course work in engineering, mathematics, physical science, and/or computer science must be taken.
  2. At least 30 quarter credit hours must be in graded EC graduate courses. See further details in the MSEE Checklist.
  3. At least 12 quarter credit hours must be in the sequence of advanced courses (4000-4999).
  4. at least 16 quarter credit hours of thesis must be taken.
  1. Course requirements:
    Complete two specialties contained within one focus area, as shown on the MSEE Checklist. Available focus areas are: Communications & Information Processing, Cyber Engineering, Nanoelectronics & Energy Engineering, Sensor & Control Engineering.
  2. Thesis: Submit an acceptable thesis (see next section).


 Thesis Requirements: Each student must complete a thesis demonstrating the student's capability in engineering design. Although the thesis research need not necessarily represent a contribution to fundamental knowledge, it must demonstrate the student's ability to identify and design a practical engineering solution to an open-ended problem in the area of electrical and computer engineering. Acceptable solutions can include experimentation, software development, simulation, or other recognized engineering solutions. The student must report the results of the work in a document of acceptable literary quality. At the conclusion of the thesis, the student will present an oral summary of the project and its results to the faculty and interested students at a publicly announced department seminar.

 Degree Nomination and Award: The student begins the nomination process by presenting a completed MSEE checklist and a completed BSEE equivalence checklist to the Academic Associate. The Academic Associate (or the ECE program liaison) will check that the degree requirements are met and will sign the checklist. The Curriculum officer then signs the checklist and collects the form. The accumulated checklists are forwarded to the Department Chairman with a copy of the memo nominating students for degrees. The Chairman approves the checklists and recommends award of the degree. Acceptance of a signed thesis by the Office of the Dean of Instruction is also required. (The thesis must meet the format standards of this office to be accepted.) The MSEE degree is granted by vote of the Academic Council and is awarded by the NPS President. (Both the award of the d

MSEE Degree program Accreditation

MSEE Degree Program Accreditation

The MSEE Degree Program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET. In 2020 NPS conferred 29 accredited MSEE degrees with 67 Students onboard as of December 2020. In 2021 NPS conferred 34 accredited MSEE degrees with 64 Student onboard as of December 2021. In 2022 NPS conferred 35 accredited MSEE Degrees with 46 students onboard as of December 2022. In 2023 NPS conferred 22 accredited MSEE Degrees with 52 students onboard as of December 2023. 

Accredited programs must have published Program Educational Objectives and Student Outcomes, a process for periodic review of the objectives and outcomes, and a system of ongoing assessment that demonstrates achievement of the objectives and outcomes and uses the results to improve the effectiveness of the program. 


Useful Forms

MSEE Useful Forms

Undergraduate Education Evaluation Form 

(pdf)       (word doc) 

MSEE Degree Checklist

(pdf)      (word doc)

MSEE Thesis Approval Form

(pdf)       (word doc)

MSEE Degree Checklist (591 Space Engineering Focus)

(pdf)       (word doc)

ECE dept Certificate list

Program Matrix Spreadsheet template

Thesis Block

Thesis Information

MSEE & MSES Thesis Proposal Form (.pdf, .doc)

Electrical Engineer Thesis Proposal Form (.pdf, .doc)

Thesis Extension Form

Thesis Preparation Tips

Spelling Guide

Guidelines on Software Copying

Information about plagiarism and cheating