NPS Disclaimer

Note: This guidance was created for the Naval Postgraduate School population.  If you are from another command, the information provided here may be useful for you, but it is also highly recommended that you check with your command for any special guidance or considerations.

Emergency Preparedness

Click here for the Emergency Action Plan 


Click here for Winter Safety Guidance


Emergency Notifications

  • Monterey County Alerts:
  • AlertMontereyCounty - Sign up, click here.
  • Nixle - To receive emergency information, for daily fire updates for the River and Carmel fires text MCFIRES2020 to 888777. 
  • Call or text 211.
    • Call, Operators can provide updated fire and evacuation information. 
    • Text “fire” or “wildfire” to 211-211, add your zip code and receive links to current information.

REPORTING/REQUESTING work for damaged areas at NPS-- Contact Public Works: 


  • Contact your supervisor and NPS Command Duty Officer ( 831-901-6649 to inform them of your situation.

  • NPS Travel Office:

  • If an authorized patron (AD, DOD, Retiree) has been forced to evacuate their residence because of the fires, reservations at the RV Park or NGIS for the duration of the evacuation order for their residence (patron expense), is allowed.

  • Call the NGIS front desk directly, 831-920-0974 ext4

  • Quick Contact List – NSAM Police Department Duty Phone Numbers:  Watch Commander: 831-392-7228;  Patrol Supervisor: 831-901-6115; SECO 831-200-5067.






Incidents/Thermal Hotspots/Smoke Forecast

U.S. Forest Service smoke map forecast 

Current air quality and air quality forecast:!/?category=PM2.5_nowcast&centerlat=36.6314&centerlon=-120.5509&zoom=7

Monterey County Fire Agencies--radio feed:

SPCA Shelter for pets: 


Next big storm resources:

Get the latest emergency information from your county websites here:


Health information:     

          Controls for particulate material in the air, are similar to what we are doing now for COVID.  Stay inside, wear a mask if outside to control for gross contamination, monitor progress in the event you must evacuate your area.  If personnel are susceptible (vulnerable population), It is highly recommended to shelter in place (stay indoors).  Vulnerable populations are those who have diseases which can be aggravated by PM, see below for more information.

            Health effects can be immediately felt by sensitive groups. Healthy individuals may have trouble breathing and throat irritation with prolonged exposure.  Particulate material (PM) is high for PM 10 and 2.5.  PM10 affects the upper respiratory tract (nose, throat, and bronchioles) while PM2.5 affects the lower respiratory tract (lungs).

            PM10: Exposure can result in eye and throat irritation, coughing or difficulty breathing, and aggravated asthma. 

             PM2.5: The most severe impacts are on the lungs and heart. Exposure can result in coughing or difficulty breathing, aggravated asthma, and the development of chronic respiratory disease.

CONUS DoD Evacuations:

For questions contact Mr. Carr at NPS Travel,

Emergency Management

Emergencies happen, often with little or no notice.  By taking action beforehand, you can be prepared for any emergency. Be Ready Navy—Be informed before, during, and after an incident; make a written family emergency plan; and build an emergency supply kit good for at least three days.


Emergency Response at Work:

In the event of an emergency, the Navy expects all personnel, families, contractors, and others affiliated with a Navy installation to be prepared to take the appropriate action: evacuate, move to a civilian shelter, move to a designated safe haven, or temporarily shelter in place. You also should be able to recognize the mass warning and notification systems.  


See the links below for information for the following scenarios:



Know the Exits!

Remember, your most direct path out of your building could be blocked in the event of an emergency.  Know where all of the exits are for your building.  Below are the floorplans for NPS Spaces.  

Note, the information is FOUO and an active NPS User account is required to access them.

Know Your Workplace Hazards

Employees need to be aware of where any hazardous materials are being stored in their work space and avoid these areas in the event of a natural disaster or fire.  A full listing of the hazards for all NPS Spaces can be found on our "Know Your Workplace Hazards" page.



The purpose of evacuation is too safely and quickly lead occupants off the installation to a safe assembly point located a safe distance away from the installation. When necessary, NSAM Force Protection will control traffic and crowds during an evacuation. Buildings within NPS control will evacuate their buildings in accordance with their building evacuation plans. When NPS is order to evacuate all personnel will follow the instruction of the NSAM first responders. The following illustration is how NSAM is laid out in zones. It is anticipated that NSAM will evacuate the installation by zones.


Campus Zones


Navy-Wide Personnel Accounting


If NSAM or any of Navy community is evacuated or in a declared disaster area, the Navy will use an order to account through the Navy Family Assessment and Accounting System (NFAAS). NFAAS allows commands to account for all Active Duty, Reservist, DOD/NAF employees and Navy families. NFAAS will also be used to assist personnel if they need help.

The Navy calls an area affected by a disaster a geographic area of interest (GAOI). After a disaster, all Navy personnel and their families residing, deployed to or working within a GAOI are required to check in at the first available opportunity. There are three options available to check in.

  1. Members and employees can check in directly with their commands and provide their family's status and whereabouts. This is the primary way to account. Commands will upload the information into NFAAS.
  2. If they are unable to reach their command, Sailors, family members and civilians can muster on NFAAS at
  3. If unsuccessful, the third option is to account by phone through the Navy Emergency Coordination Center at 1-877-414-5358 or 1-866-827-5672 (TDD 1-866-297-1971).

After mustering, it is equally important that member complete a needs assessment in NFAAS if they are impacted by the event.

If a member or Navy family needs help following a declared disaster, the Navy has resources that can support them during the emergency. NFAAS has a user-friendly assessment tool to coordinate and prioritize disaster-related needs. The system allows families to assess their needs in 19 categories including, medical, missing family locator, transportation, housing and personal property, financial, employment, child care, education, legal services, counseling and mortuary and funeral assistance.

Once disaster-related needs are identified, a case manager from a Fleet and Family Support Center is assigned. The case manager will contact the Navy family member to assist them with support that ranges from the urgent to the informational.

Access to the assessment information is restricted. Details of the assessment will not be provided to anyone outside the case management team without the provider's approval.


Before a Disaster



Providing contact information is critical in providing support to Department of the Navy personnel and their dependents during the recovery period following a disaster. NFAAS is the system utilized by the Navy to account for personnel and their families during widespread natural or man- made disasters. Accurate contact information of personnel and family members is required to facilitate a quick and accurate muster of personnel in affected areas.


All Personnel are required to log on to NFAAS and update their recall information quarterly.


AtHoc Alerts

AtHoc has replaced DesktopAlert (NPSAlerts) as NSA Monterey's mass notification system. AtHoc allows NSA Monterey’s Emergency Management Office to quickly and effectively communicate critical information to NSA Monterey personnel in emergency situations through numerous communications channels, including desktop popups, email alerts, mobile app alerts, phone calls, and SMS/text notifications.

Personnel are encouraged to update their AtHoc Self Service profile with their work location(s) and additional contact methods. For instructions or more information about NSA Monterey’s AtHoc
, click here


Family Response Plans:

Every individual or family should have a preparedness plan, complete with a list of contacts during an emergency. Making an emergency preparedness plan empowers you. It save lives, property, and time, and reduces stress.  Are you and your family ready for an emergency?


Click the links below to open a form you can fill out to make a Family Emergency Plan and Contact Cards.


For more helpful information on Emergency Preparedness, see 


NSAM Emergency Management Plan:

The governing base instruction for Emergency Management is NSAMINST 3400.1 (series).  To view the latest copy of the instruction and the supporting documents, go to Gateway 2.0 and log in.

If you have a valid CAC, you are able to enter Gateway 2.0 as an anonymous user. Anonymous user allows an individual to browse public areas. All CNIC users will have Elevated Access in Gateway 2.0 as long as they have performed TWMS Self-Service. The Self-Registration process allows a non-CNIC CAC user to move from Anonymous to Elevated Access. Users can Register Here.

The below documents are FOUO and require an NPS User acount to View.




Support Annexes (SA):

Functional Area Annexes (FAA):

Hazard Specific Appendices:

  1. Mutual Aid
  2. Memorandum of Understanding
  3. Inter-service Support Agreement
  4. Support Contracts
  5. Contract Development
  6. Evacuation
  7. Personnel Accountability
  8. Safe Haven Management
  9. Shelter-In-Place
  10. Special Needs
  11. Animal Care
  12. Volunteer / Donation Management
  13. Evidence and Sample Collection
  14. Personnel Decontamination
  15. Inventory Management
  16. Special Event Management
  17. Base Support Installation
  18. Disaster Information Tri-fold Handout
  19. Defense Support to Civil Authorities (DSCA)
  21. Continuity of Operations (COOP)
  1. Region Operations Center (ROC)
  2. Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
  3. Local Emergency Dispatch Center (LDC)
  4. Departmental Operations Center (DOC)
  5. NSA Monterey Communications Systems
  6. Personnel Categorization
  7. Emergency management
  8. Fire Support
  9. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Support
  10. Security and Police
  11. Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) / Bomb Squad
  12. Health Service Support
  13. Industrial Hygiene Support
  14. NAVOSH / Safety
  15. Public Works
  16. Finance and Accounting
  17. Public Affairs
  18. Mass Care
  19. Environmental
  20. Meteorological
  21. Mass Fatality management
  22. Supply and Logistics
  23. Search and Rescue
  24. Safe Haven Managment Teams
  1. Destructive Weather
  2. Seismic / Geological Hazards
  3. Fire Hazards
  4. Pandemic Influenza
  5. Hazardous Materials Spill / Release
  6. Transportation Accidents
  7. Structural Failure / Collapse
  8. Infrastructure or Utility Loss or Interruption
  9. Terrorism Incidents
  10. Chemical Terrorism
  11. Bioterrorism
  12. Radiological Terrorism
  13. Nuclear Terrorism
  14. Explosive / Incendiary Terrorism
  15. Civil Disturbance (Riots, Strikes, Protests)
  16. Special Events (Presidential / Air Shows)
  17. All Hazards Response



Basic Anatomy of an Emergency Kit:

Natural Disaster Kit

Natural Disaster Kit

If you have to evacuate, you'll have to be ready to grab some important papers such as: insurance inforamation, identification, money, and a list of names and phone numbers.


If you put together an emergency kit, store it in something that is easy to find and carry, such as a large, zippered bag.

Things to eat and drink if you lose power and the streets are closed

  Bottled water (having a supply of water-purifying tablets is also a good idea)

  Canned and dried food

  A can opener

  Vitamin pills

  Packaged crackers, cookies, and other snacks

  Powdered or canned milk


Other Important Items

  Raincoats, ponchos and umbrellas if you have to walk or work in the rain

  Blankets and sleeping bags if you lose heat or have to sleep somewhere else

  Heavy-duty work gloves


  Portable radio (weather radios are ideal)


  Toilet paper


Roadside Emergency Kit

Roadside Emergency Kit

In case you are stranded, keep a kit of emergency supplies in your car.

Basic Car Emergency Kit

  Road Flare with matches / warning triangle

  Auto distress flag

  Safety reflector vest

  Jumper cables

  Flashlight with extra batteries

  Fire extinguisher

  Extra fuses

  Nonflammable tire inflator


  Auto manual

  Road maps



  Screwdrivers (flat and Philips head)


  Vise grips

  Adjustable wrench


  Roll of duct tape

  Multi-tool pocketknife

  Tire pressure gauge


  Wire or rope

Cold-Climate Necessities

  Ice scraper

  Emergency thermal blanket

  Traction aids (sand, rock salt or kitty litter)

  Jacket or raincoat, boots, wool socks



  Extra Water

  Tire chains (for snow)

First Aid Kit

First Aid Kit

Keep a first aid kit in you rhome and in your car.  Include any personal items such as medications and emergency phone numbers or other items your health-care privider may suggest.  Check the kit regularly for items pas their expiration date and replace any used or out-of-date items.


First-Aid Kit for the Home or Car

  Compress Dressings

  Adhesive Bandages (assorted sizes)

  Adhesive cloth tape

  Antibiotic ointment

  Antiseptic wipes

  Emergency Space blanket

  Cold Compress

  Non-Latex Gloves (such as nitril)




  Sterile Gauze Pads


  First-aid Instruction Booklet