BRES - Electrical and Computer Engineering
Special Program for Graduates of the Bettis Reactor Engineering School (BRES)
Purpose: The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the Naval Postgraduate School offers a special program leading to the degree Master of Science in Engineering Science with a major in Electrical Engineering MSES(EE) for graduates of the BRES School currently stationed at NAVSEA NAVAL REACTORS (NR). The goal of this MSES(EE) program is to provide the academic background and training to prepare the student to analyze characteristics of electronic systems as applied to military applications.
Eligibility: Open to NAVSEA NAVAL REACTORS personnel. Applicants must satisfy the following entrance requirements
BRES Graduate,
BS Degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Systems Engineering or Computer Science/Engineering,
Be Nominated by NAVAL REACTORS and Accepted by the NPS ECE Department.
Applications: Qualified personnel should first consult with their Training Officer to verify eligibility requirements.
Degree Requirements: In order to fulfill the requirements of the MSES(EE) degree - Special Program for BRES graduates, a student must meet the following requirements:
A minimum of 28 quarter credit hours of EC graduate level course work must be taken, nominally 7 courses,
Of the 28 credits, a minimum of 13 credits must be at the 4000 level, nominally 3 graduate courses, and, at a minimum, an additional 12 quarter credit hours in engineering, mathematics, physical science, and/or computer science must be taken,
A minimum of 4 courses must be taken in a given specialization area, while the rest may be taken outside the area.
Program Approval: For help in setting up a program or in answering any questions, first contact the NR Training Officer and the NPS Academic Associate who serves as the ECE faculty liaison with the NR Command.
Degree Nomination and Award: The student begins the nomination process by submitting a completed MSES-EE (NR Program) checklist to the Academic Associate. The Academic Associate will check that degree requirements are met and will sign the checklist. The Program Officer then signs the checklist and collects the form. The checklist is forwarded to the Department Chairman with a copy of the memo nominating students for degrees. The Chairman approves the checklist and recommends award of the degree. The MSES(EE) degree is granted by vote of the Academic Council and is awarded by the NPS President. (Award of the degree is noted on student transcripts kept by the Registrar.)
Program Checklist: Upon completion of the course requirements, the following program checklist (.pdf, .doc) must filled and submitted to the NPS ECE Academic Associate.
Course Information
Course Flow Charts (pdfs):
Cyber Systems & Network Engineering Courses
Guidance, Control, and Navigation Systems Courses
Signal Processing Systems Courses
Solid State Microelectronic and Power Systems Courses
Thesis Information
MSEE & MSES Thesis Proposal Form (.pdf, .doc)
Electrical Engineer Thesis Proposal Form (.pdf, .doc)